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Common Reasons for Workers' Compensation Denials and How to Appeal Them Successfully

Employee at work

All employers must provide their employees with workers' compensation coverage in case of workplace injuries and illnesses. This coverage is meant to help employees receive medical care and wage replacement benefits while they recover from their condition. However, not all workers' compensation claims are approved. In some cases, the insurance company may deny the claim, leaving the injured worker to deal with the consequences of their injury without the necessary support.

1. Incomplete or Inaccurate Information

One of the most common reasons for a workers' compensation claim denial is incomplete or inaccurate information. Insurance companies expect to receive all necessary documentation, including medical bills, medical records, and injury reports. The insurance company may deny the claim if there is missing or incorrect information. To avoid this, provide all the requested information accurately and within the appropriate timeline.

2. Employer Disputes

When an injury occurs, the employer may dispute the claim and the treating doctor's evaluation. In such cases, gathering all relevant information about the work environment, job tasks, and health history is crucial. It's also essential to keep detailed records of all conversations and interactions with the employer and the insurance company.

3. Pre-existing Condition

Another common reason for a claim denial is a pre-existing condition. If the insurance company can argue that a pre-existing condition caused the injury, they may reject the claim. However, it's worth noting that pre-existing conditions can make a worker more vulnerable to workplace accidents. If you have a pre-existing condition and experience a workplace injury, you may still have a valid workers' compensation claim.

4. Missed Deadlines

Every state has its unique deadline for reporting workplace injuries. Failure to report damage within the given timeline can lead to a claim denial. Make sure to inform your employer of the injury as soon as possible and seek medical attention immediately. The sooner you report the damage and receive medical care, the better your chances of having a successful claim.

5. Appealing a Denied Claim

You can appeal the decision if your workers' compensation claim has been denied. In most cases, you must file a formal appeal, which involves submitting documentation and evidence to support your claim. Working with an experienced workers' compensation attorney to guide you through the process and represent you in court is essential.

Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Columbus, Ohio

At Zamora & Hogan Co., L.P.A., we understand workers' challenges when dealing with denied workers' compensation claims. Our experienced attorneys are here to provide you with the support and guidance you need throughout the appeals process. Contact us today at (614) 344-6822 to schedule a consultation and let us help you navigate the complexities of workers' compensation appeals.
