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Is It Worth Coming Back to Work After a Workplace Injury?

Woman on hospital bed with a leg injury

It can be a tough decision for law enforcement and first responders who have been injured on the job whether to accept disability benefits or try to come back to work. For many, it’s not just about their quality of life after an injury but also the financial implications that this will have for them and their families. That’s why the Columbus workers’ compensation attorneys at Zamora & Hogan Co., L.P.A. are here to guide what workers can do when facing such an important question.

Weighing Pros and Cons of Returning to Work vs. Receiving Benefits

Whether to return to work or accept disability benefits after a workplace injury can be difficult for law enforcement officers and first responders. Many factors must be weighed, including:

  • The quality of life if the officer or first responder were to remain on disability benefits;
  • Their personal comfort level with returning to work with their previous employer;
  • Any constraints faced due to their injury; and,
  • The financial implications of one option over another.

Additionally, officers can consider whether other departments offer better job opportunities or higher pay that would ease the transition back into working life.

Evaluating Health and Abilities After an Injury
Another pro and con law enforcement and first responders should evaluate is their health and abilities after a workplace incident. It is important to research available resources and any regulations preventing them from returning to duty.

Also, speaking with loved ones who can provide insight and support in making this decision is beneficial. Ultimately, considering all factors, including physical health and emotional state, is vital before deciding whether to accept disability benefits or return to work.

How Zamora & Hogan Co., L.P.A. Can Help With this Difficult Decision

Law enforcement and first responders are essential public servants who put their lives on the line regularly, so they should have access to appropriate care and benefits regarding workplace injuries. Unfortunately, deciding to accept disability benefits or return to work can be difficult, requiring important considerations depending on the injury. Luckily, help is available from a workers’ compensation attorney who has experience with these often complicated cases.

The team at Zamora & Hogan Co., L.P.A. will guide you with sound advice so that you can make informed decisions about your options and ensure you receive any necessary benefits going forward. Our experienced advocates can offer you peace of mind during what can already be a trying process.

Contact our Columbus workers’ compensation attorneys today to discuss the best route for you. (614) 344-6822